Veterinary Services

New Puppy Guide

At Heartland Animal Hospital in Owatonna, we comprehend the distinctive requirements of caring for a puppy. This page functions as an all-encompassing resource to assist you in navigating the thrilling journey from puppyhood to adulthood and their senior years. It provides valuable insights to ensure the optimal care for your new canine companion throughout their entire life.

Puppy Care

Preventative Schedule

8 weeks: DA2PP, Bordetella, fecal exam & dewormer. Start oral prevention for heartworm disease, fleas, and ticks.
10-12 weeks: DA2PP (booster), Lepto/Lyme and continue oral prevention.
14-16 weeks: DA2PP (booster) with Lepto & Lyme (booster), rabies vaccine and continue oral prevention. Discuss spaying or neutering your pet.

Parasite Prevention
We recommend monthly heartworm, flea, and tick prevention, which deworms for internal parasites. Additionally, pets should have a heartworm and tick blood test annually.

Here is information on pet fecals and how they can detect parasites.

Oral Health Care
Here is some information on dental health for puppies.
The benefits of spaying or neutering your pet are beyond behavioral. Medically, it’s important to their health as it reduces the chances of cancers or infections.

Here is some additional information on spaying and neutering.

Adult Care

Regular Check-Ups
We recommend annual examinations for your adult dog.
Preventative Care & Vaccinations

Vaccinations are given annually. We recommend the following for your pet:

  • Bordatella
  • DA2PP
  • Lepto
  • Lyme
  • Rabies
  • Fecal Exam
  • Dewormer

Check out these PDFs for additional preventative care information:

Oral Health & Dental Care
Dental care is crucial for your dog. We recommend regular, at-home preventative oral care.

This includes regular teeth brushing, oral rinses, or vet- approved dental chews.

Our skilled veterinary team provides a comprehensive oral exam during annual exams to determine the need for complete dental cleaning.

Cleanings performed under general anesthesia are often needed.

Here is a PDF with additional information on pet dental care.

Baseline Bloodwork
Annual bloodwork serves as a baseline & assists in detecting a variety of ailments & conditions, including disease & heartworm.

Senior Pet Care


While senior wellness needs are similar to those of an adult canine, as your dog enters their golden years, their healthcare needs may increase. We’re here to address these changing needs and provide tailored senior care to ensure their comfort and enhance their quality of life.

During this stage, beyond general preventative care, we’ll discuss the following considerations:

  • Dietary Adjustments
  • Joint Health Support
  • Dental Care
  • Cognitive Health
  • Comfort and Pain Management
  • Senior Bloodwork